Top Information Security Risks

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Data loss and data breach have a significant consequence to the company, and a company might lose millions of money due to information loss. A company must contact penetration and security testing to comply with the rules and regulations; if this is not the case, it might face compliance issues that might be costly. Any organization’s big concern should be keeping their information safe to avoid data breaches, which might ruin the company’s reputation. The emergence of so many hackers and malware has made many organizations lose money, and it has called for security alarms. Below are some of the information security risks you need to be aware of.

1.Ransomware attacks

The ransomware attacks have been targeted at specific organizations, making them lose a lot of money. The US has been reported having been targeted mainly on the health and municipal, and these departments have ended up becoming victims of ransomware attacks. All organizations should adopt protective measures against ransomware attacks to avoid being a victim.


The other information risk is crypto-jacking which is mainly targeted at currencies. The hackers target a specific computer software and manipulate it to get the passwords and the host’s information. Hackers specifically do it by asking the user to click certain links viewing an add then they end up manipulating the entire system. Currency mining requires robust hardware that cannot be manipulated easily, and that is why criminals usually target weak currencies.

3.Targeted insiders

The privileged insiders include intellectual property and business plans that are targeted by cybercriminals. Getting valuable information concerning the privileged insiders does not require high cybercrimes expertise. However, these cybercriminals are looking for more ways to become powerful to succeed in their operation.

4.SQL attacks

The SQL attacks are targeted to web applications, whereby the hackers try to manipulate the input data. They send the input data after manipulating the backend, asking them to delete or send very confidential information. It is done by sending SQL commands, and the backend responds to them, therefore, getting access to very personal data.

5.Access management and authentication

Due to the digital revolution to cloud computing, many organizations moved to store their valuable information in the cloud. Cloud is very convenient for it provides the organization with the information they require anytime, anywhere. However, adequate access management should be put into the cloud to provide extra security and not just a mere password.

6.Spear phishing

The targeted group can easily fall into this trap because cybercriminals use emails from trusted people and organizations. They create a false email and send you a formal letter pretending to be the authorized person; they get a chance to manipulate your information after you reply to that email. This is considered a silent and peaceful attack, and therefore organizations should be cautious when responding to emails.

In conclusion, due to the sensitiveness of the information stored on the internet, security should be a top priority. After knowing the above security risk, one should be aware of what security measures to employ to avoid data loss and data breach.