The Value of Cybersecurity Monitoring

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

As we have seen, a pandemic may cause a dramatic cyberattack spike. As of 2022, the average cost of a data breach stood at $4.35 million, a 2.6% rise from 2021, according to a report published by IBM and the Ponemon Institute: As a result, in order to protect themselves against cyber assaults like these, businesses must keep a close eye on their networks and the packets that are being sent their way.

But why exactly do you need cybersecurity monitoring?

  1. Reduce Data Breach

Organizations may protect the personal data of their customers and workers from cybercriminals by maintaining constant vigilance over their networks and promptly responding to any suspicious activity they may find. This is why it is important to have a system of constant security monitoring.

  1. Increase your response time to attacks.

Most businesses take precautions to protect themselves against cyber threats and assaults, but if the bad guys manage to breach their defenses, they must be prepared to react swiftly and effectively since the organization’s resources need to be readily accessible around the clock.

  1. Address Security Vulnerabilities

Every system has its flaws (vulnerabilities). Identifying a network’s security flaw is “address security vulnerability.” Finding and fixing vulnerabilities is done in the hopes that they won’t be discovered or used by malicious actors. Updating firewalls and other protocols fall under this heading as well. Many companies even have dedicated “Bug Hunting” teams.

In a bug-hunting program, a company will provide bounties, swag, or even a hall of fame status to ethical hackers who successfully exploit a vulnerability in the system and report it to the company.

  1. Commitment to Rules and Regulations

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability are the three cornerstones of information security (CIA Triad). Any company that collects or stores personal information must abide by these guidelines. Failure to meet even a single criterion raises the risk of network vulnerability, which may have far-reaching consequences for the company’s image. Therefore, these issues may be resolved with constant cybersecurity monitoring.

  1. Minimize downtime

The only way to minimize downtime is to guarantee that the company’s network can support its functions without interruption because of the reputational and financial costs associated with network outages. Also, if there are any security issues, the company has to act quickly to address them. Therefore, constant cybersecurity monitoring may reduce the likelihood of a server or network outage.

  1. The Threats’ Nature Has Changed

The sophistication and efficiency of cyber criminals continue to rise. They always try to breach security measures to protect a company’s network. Hackers develop innovative methods of attack, tricks, and techniques for committing cybercrime daily. Constant network monitoring is the most effective method for detecting and fixing such issues