Understanding Web Application Security Testing Methods and Tools to Conduct It

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Due to the increase in malicious hackers of web applications, the need for security testing has become a top priority. Security testing is done on the web application to identify loopholes and security flaws to prevent a data breach and data loss. When web application security testing is conducted, the organization will determine the vulnerabilities and security policies be employed.

Reasons for conducting web application security testing

Hackers are looking for new techniques of penetrating through websites and obtain the data. Due to the sensitiveness of data stored in web applications, security testing is crucial. The following are the main reasons why you should conduct security testing.

Identification of loopholes and security breach

Security testing is done continuously to identify loopholes and correct them before hackers leak out the information. It is better to identify any security breach early to avoid data loss or data breach by hackers. Security testing has become very crucial in the development of an app, and it should be put into consideration.

To comply with the laws.

Some specific laws and regulations are meant for data privacy and should be complied with. Security testing is done on web applications by web developers and business apps to comply with the laws.

Cross-checking the security policies

Security testing is also done to check whether the policies employed are functioning well and whether there are loopholes.

Helps to come up with a better security plan

Conducting a web app security check helps you develop a report that enables you to make changes where possible. If their security policies employed are becoming vulnerable, then a better security plan can be used.

Steps to be followed while conducting web application security testing

  • Discover the asset

The first step is to analyze where security testing needs to be conducted and the test requirements.

  • Update your app

Ensure the web up is updated into the latest version, and you can conduct with other assets.

  • Check if the app allows permissions.

Check to ensure if the app allows for security testing before starting the process

  • Check security measures used

They include firewalls, malware scanners, and SSL, ensure whether they are put in place.

  • Cross-check the database security

The database might not be familiar with malicious queries, such as SQL; therefore, it is good to check and allow before conducting the test.

  • Configuration test

Confirm if your web application and network configuration to ensure they are secure.

In conclusion, there are so many automated security checking tools that are available online. You can decide to do automatic testing or manual testing for your web application. You can do the security testing alone, or you can hire professions to conduct the test. Doing it alone might not bring the best result, so it is advisable to hire a professional for that task.

Security testing for a web application for big businesses that store sensitive information is at a high risk of being manipulated. Malicious hackers might obtain the information and use it against the organization and disclose it to the competitors.